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'Cold-Parenting' Linked To Increased Disease Risk And Premature Aging

Expert researchers have found a correlation between parenting styles and our DNA.

Recent research has linked premature aging to being raised by "cold" parents. When people use temperatures to describe the parenting style they are referring to two types of parenting styles, "cold" and "warm." Parents who are considered "warm" parents give their children regular support and give constant positive affirmations. Parents who are defined as "cold" are full of criticism and control. They set unforgiving and outlandish guidelines for their children.

Obviously, we would assume that there are many side effects for young children who experience parents who have been described as "cold" parents. Research shows that unsupportive parenting styles have the potential to cause several negative health implications for children, even into their adult years.

The study found that individuals who described their mothers as being "cold" had smaller telomeres. Telomeres are the protective caps on the ends of the strands of DNA. Those subjects who admitted to having a cold mother showed that their telomeres were 25% smaller than those subjects who claimed that they had warm parents. The risk of having smaller telomeres will cause accelerated cellular aging and increased disease risk later in life.

"Telomeres have been called a genetic clock, but we now know that as early life stress increases, telomeres shorten and the risk of a host of diseases increases, as well as premature death," said Raymond Knutsen, MD, MPH, lead author of the study and associate professor at Loma Linda University School of Public Health. "We know that each time a cell divides, the telomeres shorten, which shortens its lifespan."

When there is a mutation of a decrease in Telomeres then it can increase the chance to have certain diseases that cause increased aging. It is interesting because researchers are finding that the way somebody is raised can be figured out due to their genetics. Researchers said that their story is intertwined in their DNA.

Another interesting part of the study was who was impacted the most about parenting styles. Those adults who had less education and were defined as "overweight" or "obese" were more affected by the cold parenting styles than other test subjects who might be more in shape with more education.

It will be interesting to see all of the negative effects that cold parenting has on children have more and more research is done on this subject.

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